22 March 2008

Year in Review

Here's something that was planned at the end of last year, but I have only had the opportunity to do it now!

We hope you enjoy this selection of photos of Alannah and Charlie from 2007.

17 March 2008

Happy St Patrick's Day!

Alannah celebrated St Patrick's Day in the traditional Irish custom of flying a blue elephant.

14 March 2008

Visiting Grandparents

Marcus, Alannah & Charlie took couple of days to visit Grandad and Nana Val (and the boys) in Bournemouth this week. Along with swimming, playing games, going to a parent and toddler group, having "fun time with Nana", making cakes and Marcus going out to the movies with his dad, Alannah and Charlies also:

Bounced on the bed

Brought the ball pit home from toddler group

Walked along the cold, windy beach

And played in the sand.

Meanwhile, Jane stayed in Dublin to have a well deserved quiet rest before 'Number 3' comes along.

09 March 2008

Happy Birthday Jane!

It was Jane's birthday today (hot on the tail of Mother's Day last week - breakfast in bed two weeks in a row!!!).

Marcus and Alannah put in a stunning effort baking 12 birthday cakes. Charlie also helped decorate. Look closely and you will only count 11 cakes on the plate as one seemed to go missing during decorating. Here's a hint: look for the chocolate around Alannah's mouth.

Some photos

Here are a few photos...lots more to come!

Christmas 2007

A very belated Happy Christmas to you from all of us!!!

08 March 2008

Autumn Playground

Here's a short video of Alannah and Charlie playing at our local park.