31 May 2008

Sleeping like a baby...

It's been really nice these last couple of weeks to have family members come over to Ireland to visit and help out. (Nana Debbie from the USA comes next week!!!)

Each visitor has made their own helpful contribution to these early days.

Here's Grandad...

(Sorry, Dad. I couldn't resist it.)

06 May 2008


Caitlyn Aoife Mylechreest

6th May 2008
Dublin, Ireland

3.975 Kg (8lbs 12oz)

Mother and baby doing very well!

15 Minutes Young

03 May 2008

Still waiting...

...so Jane decided she would knit some cute, little baby booties in a choice of finishes. Ahhh.

They're bootie-licious!

02 May 2008

Happy Birthday Charlie!

1st May was Charlie's second birthday. For several months now we haven't known if we would be able to celebrate it because of the arrival of the (yet-to-be) baby. It looked like poor Charlie was already going to suffer from being the middle child that gets forgotten.

But we didn't forget him! That baby hasn't come (although - breaking news - as of 4pm Jane is beginning to wonder...Watch this space!) so we invited a couple of friends around for some cake.

Here's a couple of photos and a video.